Crime Wave

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Crime Wave

Post by Kinak »

Some more crimes are happening in your neighborhood!

I've thought for a long time that wandering in the streets and getting attacked isn't heroes main activity. It's really supposed to be patrolling, seeing crimes in progress, and beating up bad guys. So just to start, I've added some crimes to the various enemies in Your Neighborhood.

The crimes both explain what you've discovered them doing story-wise and also set the stage for the fight. A fight against a car cracker who's spilling siphoned gas everywhere is going to be different from one who's mid-theft crammed into a little car. And solving certain crimes may give additional rewards from the civilians you're helping.

So, if folks like the change, we'll be adding some more crimes (yay?) to other areas. Naturally, higher level enemies will have bigger and harder-to-solve crimes.

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Re: Crime Wave

Post by Zennistrad »

This is super interesting!

I just got back into the game after an extended hiatus and it's really great to know the game is still updating even after all this time.
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Re: Crime Wave

Post by Iggy »

Dreams lost in the moire
Stun gas for a car cracker
Hack that, car napper!
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Re: Crime Wave

Post by Kinak »

Welcome back and glad you're enjoying the update, Zennistrad!

And <3 the haiku, Iggy.

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