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Adjustments to the Manual

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:27 pm
by Cristiona
No thread really fit, so I figured I could make a new one.

Anyway, it would be nice if in the manual, under the "Classes" section, if it would list the intrinsic bonuses each class gets.

Re: Adjustments to the Manual

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:58 am
by Harry Dresden
FAQ needs to be changed to reflect retcon:
Q. Where is Mick? I can't figure out what to do for that quest. I can't find him.
A. The journal entry about Mick is merely a teaser about future content. It lets you know what will be coming in the future, but there's nothing to do for now. If this still isn't clear, click the word "wait" in the journal.

Beta changed to Gamma:
Q. I just gained a level but I did not get a skill.
A. Because the game is still in Beta testing, there's still some missing content. This is part of it.

Q. Some items don't have pictures or descriptions.
A. Because the game is still in Beta testing, there's still some missing content. This is part of it.

A few things that are commonly asked in chat that aren't in the Manual:

Maximum number of turns that carry over. (21 hours, 21.5 with Precompletion Pro)

The way skill points work with retcon. (1 extra skill point per retcon, spread out over levels 2-11.)

Re: Adjustments to the Manual

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:33 pm
by Harry Dresden
In the Character portion, at the bottom:
Right now rollover only takes a very short time, but if you're online when it happens it will log you out of the game to make sure everything is reset properly for the next day.
Needs to be changed since chat doesn't log you off automatically anymore.

Re: Adjustments to the Manual

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:44 pm
by Ryme
Cristiona wrote:No thread really fit, so I figured I could make a new one.

Anyway, it would be nice if in the manual, under the "Classes" section, if it would list the intrinsic bonuses each class gets.
I would if I could remember what they were. We probably need to reword that stuff anyway. That's just a repeat of what you get when you create an account, and is more joke than serious. Should probably discuss key strengths (stats, types of attack and combat strategy, and possibly even delve a little into things like starting items and talismans, perhaps highlighting a key skill or two.) I am far too lazy to do that, but would welcome it if someone else wanted to do a little write-up.

Other items have been addressed, some other FAQ questions were reworded/updated a little, I reworded the "what quest items disappear at retcon" bit to remove swiped/ripped cards and also disclaim that I'm not keeping that list up to date every time a quest something changes (but did add the Digitizer there as something that empties).