Upcoming features and wish list

For to fix what's broke, and improve what ain't. Or something thereabouts.

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Post by Ryme »

I would, too. Unfortunately, that's low-ish on the list of priorities, as it's a "it would be nice" instead of a "the game's kinda broken here". I'll definitely get to it, but not so soon, probably.
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Post by Cristiona »

Because you're swimming around on the surface, seeing if you can find anything. After about five minutes, you give up.

Just like it says.
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Post by Ryme »

Hm. That was coded back before I had a way of keeping combat from consuming a turn. I should probably change it so that it doesn't take turns. I'm tempted to ask--but you don't have to answer this--how many turns you spent playing at the beach.
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Post by neocamp22 »

It was a lot :P
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Post by Cristiona »

Hmm... that's what? 5 hours? Roughly 66 turns?
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Post by Ryme »

I'm almost positive that it doesn't. You will see any extras in the sell things screen, if you have multiples. But right now I have 4 skateboards, 1 equipped, and I can only sell 3 of them.
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Post by MagiNinjA »

I can't remember if this was mentioned. Multi-use of items?
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Post by neocamp22 »

Multi send?

That one probably was mentioned, though.
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Post by neocamp22 »

I had fuzzily remembered that.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Multi Weld?
Not quite as useful, but also not to be overlooked.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Sorry, but it was doubtful anyone would notice this if I didn't double-post, as I wrote that last message a few weeks ago...

/ignore please. As soon as possible.

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Post by Ryme »

Double posts in such situations are perfectly fine.

/ignore is ... complicated. I started trying to do /listen, which I thought would be relatively simple, and got stuck, and /ignore is more expansive than that.

I'll do it eventually, but I strongly recommend exercising your own personal /ignore command that exists inside your head. It's good for you. It builds character.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Have you thought about asking Jick for advice? Or is that not an option?
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Post by Ryme »

He's already helped a ton with his suggestions over the past year. I try to save "help help!" questions for really serious issues, like emergencies. Besides, I'll get it eventually.
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Post by TheK3vin »

How 'bout a way to see how many S.U.I.T. points you have? I keep wishing I could check to see how close I am to leaderboard-goodness.
Also, a merit badge for getting on the leaderboards and one for having a certain amount of S.U.I.T. points. Assuming there isn't one already.
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Post by Ryme »

TheK3vin wrote:How 'bout a way to see how many S.U.I.T. points you have? I keep wishing I could check to see how close I am to leaderboard-goodness.
You and everybody else. Added. If there's other stuff that might be useful to go onto that page, let me know.
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Post by Ryme »

soleta wrote:I know chat is pretty much last on the list of things you're working on, but could there be an option to print out a timestamp with the message? a checkbox in account settings, perhaps? it'd be much easier to know when chat's dead.
I'm not sure I really see the value of this request. If you've just logged on, you won't see any messages, so you have to either talk or wait to see if it's dead. And if you're already logged on, you can see by the progression of messages if they're new or old.

The only way in which this is kind of valuable is if you regularly open chat and then walk away for extended periods of time and then don't know if the messages are new-ish or old-ish. However, the tradeoff for that would be a trick that adds roughly 20% or more to the length of an average post and severely clutters the screen during busy times with useless information. (Chat started with a timestamp included, and it got in the way a lot, and seemed to help only very rarely.)
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Post by Olaf »

One place you could stick a timestamp is in the 'title' of the user name link. You still can't get away from the extra 20% being sent, but it wouldn't clutter it up any.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Actually, I can see timestamps being really useful when going AFK. If you walk away, and come back ten minutes later, for instance, and someone asked "Is anyone here?", you could know when they asked that. Not EXTREMELY convienient, but I can understand the want for it.
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Post by TheK3vin »

I've said this before, and I'll say it again for those who haven't been there in the past.

Extremely specific ideas with details like that have a VERY small chance of being implemented. Although I can't prove this, I'd venture to say it gets to the point where the more detail you put into an idea, the less likely it is to be implemented. Take, for instance, the example Jick used once. A player (can't remember who) suggested since there was already a rolling pin, there should be an unrolling pin. That was it. "Hey Jick there should be an unrolling pin, that would be funny." And Jick made it and said "Well, it would make sense if you could take flat dough and make it a wad of dough again." Now, if that player had said "Hey Jick u shud make an unrolling pin it would be an item you got from the special bakery in the forest you could only unlock by opening up the sekrit passage by finding a map and it would make flat dough into wads of dough," he most likely would've ignored the message entirely. Though we all appreciate the thought put into these ideas, rarely do they get implemented, or even acknowledged. Am I trying to make fun of you? No. Belittle you? Not at all. This is directed towards all of the people who do posts like that- at least 75% of the time those ideas you took an hour to write won't really even be taken into consideration.

Now if you skipped to the end of this message, as most of you will, here's brief summary. Stop posting gigantic ideas about elaborate items and weapon sets and monsters and so on. Because Ryme probably won't agree with every intricate idea and trash the whole thing.

Now for those of you who skipped down to here, here's a briefer summary. Less specific = good for ideas.

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Post by Rueby »

I think actively discouraging ideas in a thread titled - Upcoming features and wish list- is pointless and mean. Saying your ideas are too much! Stop that! goes against the whole idea of the thread. Modification or addition to ideas I can see, but outright trying to bully people into shutting up, their ideas are no good and will never go in, is awfully harsh.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Rueby wrote:I think actively discouraging ideas in a thread titled - Upcoming features and wish list- is pointless and mean. Saying your ideas are too much! Stop that! goes against the whole idea of the thread. Modification or addition to ideas I can see, but outright trying to bully people into shutting up, their ideas are no good and will never go in, is awfully harsh.
I believe you've taken the wrong idea out of my post. I am not, by ANY means, discouraging ideas. Take Mad Hamish's idea for instance, right above this. That's the kind of stuff that goes in this thread. The idea is, those ridiculously long, and specific ideas shouldn't be expected to be implemented, for reasons I've stated previously. So putting them in this thread seems rather pointless. But Hamish's idea? That's realistic, makes sense, and would be helpful and convenient. He didn't say "u shud make a thing that counts how many minutes youve played and it could be at your hideout but to get it ud hav to go to somerset and by the pieces and then u could make it and it would have leadersboards and..." etc.
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Post by MagiNinjA »

I don't think it's a bad thing if ideas are specific. Ryme can always modify ideas.
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Post by Satan »

I understand k3v's point. Because he's right, most intricate ideas won't be implemented, because Ryme said himself, he feels obligated to provide his own content. Giving a base idea for him to work with is much more likely to be put in if it's good as opposed to something you've worked out all the details on yourself. Not to say that the latter wouldn't ever be considered, but eh.
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