Search found 569 matches

by Sanjuro
Sun Oct 03, 2021 2:56 pm
Forum: Help & Hints
Topic: Question about Unlocking Certain Items from Nocturne
Replies: 2
Views: 33669

Re: Question about Unlocking Certain Items from Nocturne

For the retcons, the Futility Belt is a free pull.
So start the run, pull the belt for free, then immediately equip it.
by Sanjuro
Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:04 am
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

Purchasing Golden Gust crown:

For 10 silver stars, you golden crown! Such a good deal! The shopkeeper tries to fill you in on its backstory, but it's very shiny.

But at least the "its" and "it's" are correct! :)

Fixed that up, you golden crown, you.
by Sanjuro
Sun Jul 11, 2021 10:39 pm
Forum: Off the Wall
Topic: Alphabet Soup - Game
Replies: 919
Views: 4542272

Re: Alphabet Soup - Game

by Sanjuro
Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:51 am
Forum: Gameplay & Discussion
Topic: The TH Wiki
Replies: 71
Views: 826070

Re: The TH Wiki

Thank you! :)
by Sanjuro
Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:17 am
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

From my test account, using the calendar-a-day calendar:
With enviable restraint, your sidekick checks out the first page of the calendar.

Your sidekick learns a role: Costumemonger.

I'll wait a day or two before verifying on my "Sanjuro" account.

Fixed, thanks!
by Sanjuro
Thu Dec 24, 2020 3:08 am
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

According to the Mementonian Memuseum: Oh and did you know we have 2 carmalized Avogadros and 7 baseball onyxs ? I typed "what is the plural of onyx" into a search engine and found this: So it looks like it should be "onyxes&qu...
by Sanjuro
Thu Oct 29, 2020 6:06 pm
Forum: Off the Wall
Topic: Ouch!
Replies: 0
Views: 56140


by Sanjuro
Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:50 am
Forum: Off the Wall
Topic: A Spoooky Halloween Story
Replies: 1
Views: 27431

A Spoooky Halloween Story

I was walking home from work last night, when I heard a THUMP - THUMP noise behind me. When I looked behind me I saw a coffin standing upright on the sidewalk. "Oh", I thought, "just a Halloween decoration." I continued walking when I heard the THUMP - THUMP again. I turned aroun...
by Sanjuro
Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:43 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

The new sidekick with a prisoner costume:
Poisoning is impolite and unherolike, but Helena Handbasketis a sidekick and it's just costume poison. Still, turns out the costume is 22 damage toxic.


Itis fixed.
by Sanjuro
Tue Sep 29, 2020 9:17 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Minor bugs
Replies: 721
Views: 2731595

Re: Minor bugs

Today, when clicking on the Criminology Lab: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function pick_cereal_zone() in /home/public/criminology.php:327 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/public/criminology.php on line 327 EDIT: It works now. Yeah, I screwed something up pretty badly while ed...
by Sanjuro
Sun Jul 05, 2020 12:18 am
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

According to the Mementonian Memuseum:
Oh and did you know we have 47 doses of powdered gingko and 5 jaywalking shoess?

Fixed, thanks!
by Sanjuro
Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:48 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

Sorry I didn't take a look at this until recently. Introduction to sidekick's 6th grade teacher: Oh no! Helena Handbasket turned up to 6th grade without realizing the class has a test! And now Helena Handbasket is in for it. Where "it" is unspeakable embarassment and emotional scarring.You...
by Sanjuro
Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:34 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

One of the Sneak King's attack: The Sneak King moves to fast for your eyes to follow, salting you with throwing knives. Which is a lot like peppering you, but with salt to add insult to injury. He hits you for 9 damage. too From the second paragraph of the pop-up description for the slip of borrowin...
by Sanjuro
Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:30 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

According to the Mementonian Memuseum:
Oh and did you know we have 165 ancient quarter chips and 7 baseball rubys?


by Sanjuro
Sat Dec 21, 2019 11:37 pm
Forum: Off the Wall
Topic: Alphabet Soup - Game
Replies: 919
Views: 4542272

Re: Alphabet Soup - Game

I saw this article and had to share it: ... st-genius/
by Sanjuro
Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:06 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

From my test account, using the new IOTM:
Your sidekick is a little confused by the best ways to use the telescope at first, but quickly masters setting it up during fights so you never miss a cool celestial occurance.


Fixed, thanks!
by Sanjuro
Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:30 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

Gaining the novelty ice cube tray badge: The trainer says " let's be fair. It doesn't matter how many shapes ice comes in, the cube is always going to be the classic. Please accept this token of our appreciation for taking it to the third power." You get a merit badge: The Most Interesting...
by Sanjuro
Thu May 02, 2019 9:08 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

From the pop-up for the Bishop's Blessing effect: In addition to the trick to moving diagonally, you've also picked up a few good healing lessons. "of"? From the pop-up for the Hail to the King effect: Hal to you, baby. "Hail"? The king shouldn't open the pod bay doors, apparentl...
by Sanjuro
Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:57 pm
Forum: Help & Hints
Topic: Somersite?
Replies: 3
Views: 68364

Re: Somersite?

Spoiler: show
1 - Adventure in the sewers until you reach the "In Them There Sewers" non-combat.

2 - This will unlock the Somersite Mine in Somerset Square.
by Sanjuro
Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:41 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Minor bugs
Replies: 721
Views: 2731595

Re: Minor bugs

I just finished a retcon, with the Entire Band sidekick most of the time.
When I switched to any other sidekick, I was still getting the Entire Band's pre-combat messages.

Had trouble replicating this, but did fix an issue with the Entire Band still playing after their disappearance.
by Sanjuro
Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:56 pm
Forum: Gameplay & Discussion
Topic: Spring Podcast Thread
Replies: 4
Views: 51185

Re: Spring Podcast Thread

Hi Kinak.

I don't have any questions. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy working on creative projects here.
It's fun!
by Sanjuro
Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:28 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Minor bugs
Replies: 721
Views: 2731595

Re: Minor bugs

The black hat has a level requirement of 50.

I'm guessing it should be the same as the white hat, level 10.

Yup, power and level requirement were flipped. Should be good now, thanks!
by Sanjuro
Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:56 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

Purchasing the new IOTM: The 10 silver stars tumble from your hand into the shopkeeper as he takes entirely too long to consider it. But, on the bright side, once he gets your hourglass it's already half full! Should that be the possessive form: shopkeeper's ? as in the shopkeeper's hand? Oh dear, t...
by Sanjuro
Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:15 pm
Forum: Off the Wall
Topic: Introduce Yourself
Replies: 288
Views: 460567

Re: Introduce Yourself

I just had to share this:

by Sanjuro
Tue Dec 25, 2018 3:22 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

Using reindeer reins as a Psion:
You jingle the reins, summoning an unspeakable reindeer from beyond the boundaries of space and time, probably Qpid or Vx'n. Your opponent stares into the depths of holiday madness for .

Should be a little less mysterious now.
by Sanjuro
Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:44 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

When the Mall Santa blocks: The incoming attacks bounces off Helena Handbasket like a bowl full of jelly. From the pop-up for the decoy present: You feel confident that no human, alien, robot, or even animal could open this without stopping to gingerly peel of the tape. Fixed those up, thanks!
by Sanjuro
Thu Nov 01, 2018 10:59 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

When the root beer drops from the new shirt:
Youre feel a little thirsty, so the Barker's people drop off a bottle of root beer for you. Delicious, refreshing root beer from Barker's.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, the Nocturne's contest hasn't reset yet.

Corrected and up, thanks!
by Sanjuro
Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:27 pm
Forum: Gameplay & Discussion
Topic: Welcome to the New Dev Team Member
Replies: 3
Views: 44913

Re: Welcome to the New Dev Team Member

I look forward to thinking up bad puns and obscure references, finding typos and bugs, and giving feedback on the game...
Just like I've been doing for years.
by Sanjuro
Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:26 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Minor bugs
Replies: 721
Views: 2731595

Re: Minor bugs

When I was out of adventuring time and tried using a Futurelink future buddy from my inventory (with my current future buddy rattling), I got the usual "Can't Fight, Too Tired" page. However, all of the location links (like Somerset and Casinos) and the other options in the top menu (like ...
by Sanjuro
Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:53 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

Purchasing the Futurelink terminal: The shopkeeper accepts your 10 silver stars in exchange for a contract with Futurelink. Thankfully, they haven't updated their rates for decades, so ten stars should cover you through the heat death of universe . "of the universe"? EDIT: From the descrip...
by Sanjuro
Thu May 31, 2018 9:30 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

One of the Little Magnifier's messages when failing to block: Helena Handbasket can't catch enough light to focus on your opponent. It's shame the villains don't all come out during the day... but then you'd have to get a night shift job. "It's a shame"? It's shame when I miss an article.
by Sanjuro
Thu May 31, 2018 9:21 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Minor bugs
Replies: 721
Views: 2731595

Re: Minor bugs

The little magnifying glass appears in the drop-downs to add to the Recyclonizer, Digitizer, etc.

EDIT: Also, the pop-up for the Little Magnifier sidekick is blank.

Both should be good now, thanks! This is what I get for IotM-ing while sick.
by Sanjuro
Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:45 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Minor bugs
Replies: 721
Views: 2731595

Re: Minor bugs

It's been 3 days and player profiles still have April Fools effects.

April just won't stop fooling, apparently.
by Sanjuro
Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:57 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

Purchasing Paintr's gun:
You hand the shopkeepr 10 silver stars. He paints a gun, then hands it to you.

Yeah, he's not web 2.0 enough for shopkeepr.
by Sanjuro
Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:30 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

The plural of the new IOTM:
You have 2 Leaping Leopard pantss in your inventory.

Now with more pairing. Thanks!
by Sanjuro
Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:00 am
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

The plural of toffee torus:
You have 2 toffee toruss in your inventory.

According to my dictionary, that should be "toruses" or "tori".

Should've been tori, thanks!
by Sanjuro
Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:26 am
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

The pop-up for Titan's terrarium: Titan was a hero from Somerset- 17 , one of the seemingly endless alternate reality versions of Somerset that exist in the super-multi-verse. It's rumored that every time a major event happens, an alternate reality is spawned. You wouldn't happen to know anything ab...
by Sanjuro
Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:48 pm
Forum: Gameplay & Discussion
Topic: Thanksgiving Podcast
Replies: 13
Views: 71941

Re: Thanksgiving Podcast

danjruss wrote:Did I miss the contest winner announcement in the 'cast? Also, thanks for answering my question! You nailed the pronunciation on the first try.
I missed it too.
by Sanjuro
Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:24 am
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

According to the Mementonian Memuseum:
Oh and did you know we have 7 Agimat's Charms and 12 baseball rose quartzs?
pints? litres?

Gemmed! Thanks.
by Sanjuro
Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:57 pm
Forum: Testing & Debugging
Topic: Spelling and grammatical errors
Replies: 524
Views: 2648209

Re: Spelling and grammatical errors

From the description for the cymbal monkeys (all three of them)
You know, there's a reason on of these was used on the cover of a horror novel.


Fixed this one, thanks! And thanks so much for the donation.