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Post by Ryme »

The point many of you guys are missing is that, as Reaper said, we talked about the idea in chat some and I specifically said to post the idea on the forums as it had been relayed to me.

It probably should have gone into the creative player ideas thread in gameplay-discussion rather than in the features request, but it's not a huge deal.

TheK3vin's point is probably 75% correct, in that shorter requests are slightly more likely to be easily interpreted by me and then used, but I don't know that it's necessary to continually argue with people about whether their posts are too long or not. If I've got to wade through five "you shouldn't have posted that" posts for every suggestion, that's far more work (and a lot more clutter) than just one long post, isn't it?
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Post by TheK3vin »

Well I apologize for clogging up the thread about things people shouldn't do, but I'm just trying to clear up what exactly goes in this thread, and Reaper's idea, as you said, should probably have gone in the ideas thread. Even there, however, I feel that people are just wasting there time with posts like that. I suppose I've gotten my point across though, so the best thing now would be for me to just shut up about the whole matter.
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Post by Cristiona »

Can we have "lump of coal" made non-autosellable?
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Post by cromulentia »

BongBob wrote:Can we get a /baleet type command? Some people in chat are really annoying... :P
i second this motion.

also, would it be possible to get some sort of contact list?
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Post by Ryme »

Bumping because it's been updated. The first post on the first page has my current priorities for game additions/changes.

This is in part because I'm asked about some of those features, say, every 10 minutes when I'm in chat.

Particularly about /who -- I know how to do it, but I don't like the method; it's pretty processor intensive and I just don't want to do it right now. Anyone who's talking in chat is obviously there, and if someone wants to lurk I don't see anything wrong with that.

I'm also asked constantly about leagues/clans. I'm not going to do them for a bit, either, because all it would be right now is hours of work just to put together a list of names. I don't want to rush into any in-league messaging, or a stash, or some of the other features that would actually make it useful, and without them there's not much to a league. Those of you who have formed unofficial leagues and have your own private discussion forum are getting more out of it than you'd get from the in-game league right now anyway.
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Post by Cristiona »

It seems that some of the chat goofiness is caused by a full buffer. I know it only holds so many lines, but a /clear command might help. As opposed to closing and then reopening chat and hoping you don't miss anything.
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Post by Ryme »

Bob: no. There's only a spoilery reason to know that. Keep track on your own or wait and be surprised.

Cris: I've got chat scripted to automatically clear the top part every so often, so I thought that would help. Maybe it's not, though.

Easuth: if you hit at the right times, it can be busy. Usually the hour or three after rollover is busy. Or maybe that's just because that's when I'm on, and people like to keep me from actually working on the game. :)
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

Nah, we don't care about YOU, Ryme, just possible new content. :wink: :lol:
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Post by Ryme »

Yeah, I should just write a script so that whenever someone writes a question that begins with "Ryme, when ...." it just autoreplies with "Ryme shrugs".
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

That would suck if I'm asking, "Ryme, when do you want that fat stack of cash I was gonna send you?"
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Post by Ryme »

Nah, that's only 150 meat autosell, and it's in a different game entirely.
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Post by Corrupt Shadow »

:lol: ...nerd... :lol:
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Post by Cristiona »

Ryme wrote:Cris: I've got chat scripted to automatically clear the top part every so often, so I thought that would help. Maybe it's not, though.
Depends on the computer and the connection, actually. My blazing-fast, oh-God-I-wish-I-could-afford-one computer at work doesn't even blink at a full chat buffer (nor did it when chat never refreshed). My laptop, on the other hand, starts to grind after fifty or so lines, so I frequently close and reopen.

A /clear option would just help older hardware that's chugging along. People with newer toys probably won't ever need it as the current buffer length is fine.

In other words, the buffer works fine, my laptop is just too wheezy and would like some help :P
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Post by Ryme »

Zelandoni wrote:I have a suggestion for Wear Things.
Make the Helmet:, Main Hand: ect. descriptors link to the correct inventory subsection.
I've had this on my list for 6 months, but keep forgetting. Good call. Very good call. Done. And by golly that's a nice improvement.
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Post by Ryme »

Ratatosk wrote: 6. New art. This was mentioned upthread, but using copyrighted images for a business venture....probably not a good idea. I realize this is easier said than done, but I think it's important. I'd be willing to contribute some art to the cause, but....yeah. I'm sure you're aware of the logistical issues.
Specific to this: I firmly believe any recognizable images are covered under parody rules, and any unrecognizable images have been manipulated enough that they're essentially my own art. Outside of the obvious parodies, I don't think any of the images I've appropriated and then completely redesigned are causing any harm to their owners, and many images are perfectly valid anyways--I've taken or drawn many myself, and been given many others.

Not that I'm mad at you, but I really wish people would stop using as a base assumption that I'm breaking copyright law, because I don't think there's anyone out there who would have a valid case against me. If I did, I wouldn't be using the image.
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Post by TheK3vin »

This may seem like an odd suggestion, but...
I was thinking maybe it would be good to have a warning before opening chat that none of the other channels are ever used. I know they'll eventually be used, but at the moment new players coming into chat might go into newbie looking for a bit of advice. Or maybe someone might come from KoL and want to sell something in trade (read: Jick, as he mentioned on the radio show). Their first impression would probably be "Wow nobody plays this game." Not a good first impression.
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Post by Ryme »

Honestly, I respectfully disagree 100%. If I put up a note from the admins saying that other channels are never used, it practically guarantees that they never will be used. There were a couple of times the last few nights like I felt like /normal was overfull, and it would have been good if some people branched out. We had newbies asking for help, roleplayers dancing, some "I just want to talk about game-related people", some "I'm an old veteran and just want to chat with my friends" people, and some "let's tell some jokes" people. Many of those groups were getting on each others' nerves, and it would have been great if we'd been split in two.

I think a better solution might be to reduce the number of channels. With only, say, two options, they might fill out better. I just haven't figured out a good way to split them. Newbie/fun/games vs. gameplay/trade? I dunno.

I realize I also badly need a /listen command, so people can hang out in one place and listen to another channel. But that's .... tricky, and I've got other stuff on my mind.
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Post by TheK3vin »

Yeah, merging the channels was a probably the better solution. /thumbs up.
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Post by Cristiona »

We need a third channel.

1) Newbie, fun, games
2) Game Mechanics and Trade
3) General Chat

Right now, general subjects are bleeding into "Normal", and there really isn't a good place for such conversations. We all had fun talking about the housing market the other day, but it didn't really fit into either channel. I like the compressed channels, but we might have compressed a little too much.
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Post by Rueby »

This adventure gives you +1 hp permanently. Doesn't seem like that big a deal and it wouldn't add up to all that much. However I just spent 21 hours worth of patrolling there and I think that particular adventure crops up way to often. In those 21 hours I got 29 baseball bats, and 100 hp. Thats quite a jump I think. I don't quite know how the scaling monsters scale if its based on hp or just strength but it seems it's pretty detrimental to the gadgeteer/naturalist classes. Psion/elemental can end up with the same or more hp as the more melee based classes without having the strength to make the scaling monsters more difficult AND get huge amounts of pp based on their regular stats.
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Post by IcyFreak »

Scaling monsters do scale to HP, at least that's what I've noticed about the pit. Although it could just be a question of monster level, but I somehow doubt that. So yeah, this could be sort of game breaking.
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Post by neocamp22 »

This is how I see the chat channels eventually being done:
1. Newbie
2. Fun + Games
3. Trade (+ Chat on the side)
4. General Chat (+ Game Mechanics)
On the other hand, we don't have enough players yet to populate four channels. So, for now, I actually think the way it is set up it best.
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Post by Ryme »

Neo, that's how I'd like to see it. Which is basically how it was, except with an /abnormal thrown in there, because at the time people were swearing up and down that too much regular conversation was going on and we needed an extra channel. But that's what I get for listening to the playerbase, I guess. :P

But yeah, for now it's too much. Last week's influx from Coldfront was nice and increased chat volume a bit, but not by so much that we need more than two channels.
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