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GM fix for autoturning evil plushy items

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:35 pm
by Satan
Modified two functions to run on elephants. I don't know about compatibility with different versions, but these /should/ work if you just replace what's the there. If you want it to work for a plushy other than the elephants, replace 1428 with the item number of the plushy you want.

function stepToNextCombat() {
var searchy = find('.//td[contains(.,"Patrol again")]');
if (searchy != null) {
var linkk = find('.//a',searchy);
var strat = document.getElementById('Strat');
window.location = linkk;}
searchy = find('.//td[contains(.,"Back to inventory")]');
if (searchy != null)
method: "GET",
url: "",
headers: {"User-Agent": navigator.userAgent },
onload: function(r) {
var rsp = r.responseText;
var pat = /(use\.php\?which=1428&pwd=.{40,40})/; //replace 1428 with item number if not elephant
if (!r.responseXML)
r.responseXML = new DOMParser().parseFromString(rsp,"text/xml");
var cfv = pat(rsp);
window.location = cfv[1];}});

function endOfTurn() {
var searchy = find('.//td[contains(.,"Patrol again")]');
if (searchy != null) {
var linkk = find('.//a',searchy);
if (linkk != null) {
return true;}}
searchy = find('.//td[contains(.,"Back to inventory")]');
if(searchy != null)
return true;
return false;}

Re: GM fix for autoturning evil plushy items

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:16 am
by Muhandes
Works for me. Well done!